Welcome to basic games!


Enter gmail

This is a basic python code to input a gmail and simulate that it is incorrect

print("Enter your gmail:")
# Print is evalued before print on the screen and it put automatically what is in parentheses.

x = input()
# Input is the standard input for the user to enter a answer to "print".

print ("are you sure that your gmail is",x,"?")
# Print is what it put automatically when the question is answered ("are you sure that ...")

if x == "igarcialoba@gmail.com":
# The answer to put in x= input()

    print ("your gmail is incorrect")
    # If the user enter the x, the cumputer print what is in parenthesis.

This is a videotutorial showing how to create the code:

Enter films

This is a basic python code to input a film you want to watch

print("Enter the film that you want to watch:")
# Print is evalued before print on the screen and it put automatically what is in parentheses.

x = input()
# Input is the standard input for the user to enter a answer to "print".

print("The film", x ,  "is a great option you have selected")
# If the user answer the x=="Finding Nemo or x=="The lion king", it print:
#"the film", x (finding nemo or the lion king), "...")

if x == "Finding Nemo":
# One of the two options for answering the print("Enter the film...)

 print("But it isn't free, if you want to whatch it, enter your bank account")
# The second sentence when the user answer Finding Nemo.

elif x == "The lion king":
# Elif is for enter another option in print("...") in this case is :"The lion King".
    print("This is a free option film")
   # When the user enter the film "The lion king", it print ("This is a ...")

# If the user prinnt is not "Finding Nemo" or "The lion king":
    print( "But we don't have the film", x)
   # The seond sentence it print in addition to "The film", x, ...". This sentence is only print in "else")

This is a video showing the operation of the code:

Mathematical operations

This is a basic python code to do mathemaical operations:

import random 
# Prepare the computer to understand and generate "random numbers"

o = random.randint(800, 900) 
# 0 is the minimum random number and 90 the maximum.

p = random.randint(200, 300) 
# 200  is the minimum random number and 300  the maximum.

l = random.randint(300, 480) 
# 300 is the minimum random number and 480  the maximum.

f = random.randint(480, 520) 
# 480 is the minimum random number and 5200  the maximum.

print("What is", o, "/", p, "+", l, "-", f, "?") 
# What it print for the user

j = float(input())
# Float allows the answer with decimals and recognize it. It is the space for the user answers

if j == o / p + l - f: 
# If the answer of the user (variable j) is the same of the operation it prints:
    # At the screen ir prints ("Great")
# If the user doesn't answer as the operation it prints:
    print("Try again")
    # It prints at the scren ("Try again")

This is a video showing the operation of the code
Because there was a problem with the code execution, the operation will not be visible at this time. The problem will be solved soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Math questions

This is a basic python code to play guessing different math questions:

score = 0
# The puntuation at the beginin

print("What is 54 - 10 + 7 ?")
# The first question that it prints at the screen.

y = int(input())
# Input is the standard input for the user to enter a answer to "print".

if y == 51:
# The answer to the first question acquires the variable "y".

    print("Very well!! You are a great mathematical!")
    # If the answer of the user is same at 51 print:("Very well!!!...")
    score = score + 1
    # If the user get it right, 1 is added to the initial score

print("Can you do: 65/5 ?")
# The second question that it prints at the screen.

y = int(input())
# Input is the standard input for the user to enter a answer to "print".

if y == 13:
# The answer to the second question acquires the variable "y".

    print("Fantastic!!, Great job!")
    # If the answer of the user is same at 13 print:("Fantastic!!, Great job!") 
    score = score + 1
    # If the user get it right, 1 is added to the previous score

print(" 45 - 8 - 6")
# The third question that it prints at the screen.

y = int(input())
# Input is the standard input for the user to enter a answer to "print".

if y == 31:
# The answer to the third question acquires the variable "y".
    print("Incredible! I didn't less from you")
    # If the answer of the user is same at 31 print: ("Incredible!...")
    score = score + 1
    # If the user get it right, 1 is added to the previous score

print("Your score:" , score)
# When the game is over, it count the final score

This is a video showing the operation of the code:

Guess the year of born

This is a basic python code to play guessing the year of the born with some tracks

import random

ñ = random.randint(1936, 1947)
# The variable ñ is a random number between 1936 and 1947 (the answer of the question)

while True:
# If the user write an answer...

    print("Can you guess what year I was born?")
    # The question in parenthesis is evalued before print in the screen.
    k = int(input())
    # The k is the variable corresponded of a random number and and int(input)) is the space for the user to respond.
    if k == ñ:
    # If the variable of the year is the same as the one that the user has entered...
        # Another block of code

    elif k > ñ:
    # If the correct option is highest than the answer print:
        print("Wow, nono  i'm more old!")
        # If the answer is higher than the answer of the user, print:("Wow, nono..")
    elif k < ñ:
    # If the correct option is less high than the answer of the user, print: ("I'm old but ...!!")
        print("I'm old but not that much!!")

print("Yess, that is the answer, I'm so old...")
# If the variable of the year is the same as the one that the user has entered... ("Yess, that ...")

This is a video showing the operation of the code

How many candies I have?

This is a basic python code to guess how many candies there are

import random # random is a python library to create random numbers

d = random.randint(10, 20)
# d is a integer number from ten to twenty.

guesses = 0
# Guesses is a variable with initial value 0.

while True:
# Do the following code all the time counting up guesses until break condition.
     guesses = guesses + 1
     # Add a guess every time I try to answer.
     print("Can you guess how candies I have?")
     # Show in the screen this question.
     k = int(input())
     # k is a number entered by the user (input().
     if k == d:
     # If the number entered by the user is equal to the random number stop the code.
    # Break means stoop the code when the previois condition is met
     elif k > d:
     # If the number entered by user is more than the random number tell the user "a little lower"
         print("A little lower ")
    # Elif means else if menas if also hppens this.
     elif k < d:
    # If the number entered by user is menor than the random number tell user " Some more".
        print("Some more")

print("Exactly! Do you want some of them? You have tried and find in only ", guesses, "attempts.")
  # If the number entered by the user is correct tell the user "Exactly..."
  # Tell the user also the number of guesses and the word

This is a video showing the operation of the code

The bat and the ball

This is a Pong game to hold a ball that jumps with the bat

import pgzrun , pygame
import pgzrun
import pygame

WIDTH = 560 
# Width from the bakground

HEIGHT = 560
# Heifgt from the bakground

ball = Rect((100, 300), (30, 30))
# Size with the straight sides of the game elements

bat = Rect((150, 500), (180, 20))
# Size with the straight sides of the game elements

vx = 4.5
# The velocity of the variable x is 3.5 pixels

vy = 4.5 
# The velocity of the variable x is 3.5 pixels

bg = pygame.image.load("./images/play.jpg").convert()
# The bakground og the game is the image  that is in the folder "images" with the name play.jpg

def draw():
# The physical characteristics that the game must have are listed below.
   screen.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
   # The way the game will run will be in full screen
   screen.blit(bg, [0,0])
   # When we put blit, we are combinating the screen sice and the sice of the background image
   screen.draw.filled_rect(ball, "orange")
   # The screen drawing (ball) has straight sides and is also filled with color (orange)
   screen.draw.filled_rect(bat, "white")
   # The screen drawing (bat) has straight sides and is also filled with color (white)

def update():
# The movements that the elements will make in different situations are defined
    global vx, vy
    # Global variables
    ball.x += vx
    # To move the position of the ball "x" a velocity corresponding to the variable x is added
    ball.y += vy
    # To move the position of the ball "Y" a velocity corresponding to the variable "Y" is added
    if ball.right > WIDTH or ball.left < 0:
    # If the ball is placed towards the right in a position greater than the width of the screen or comes out from a position on the left side:
        vx = -vy
        # Change ball direction and speed
    if ball.colliderect(bat) or ball.top < 0:
    # If the ball bounces off the bat and reaches the top less than 0:
        vy = -vy
        # Change ball direction and speed
    if ball.bottom > HEIGHT:
    # If the ball doesn't bounce off the bat because is more high than the height:
        # The game is over

    if (keyboard.right):
    # If the user hits the right arrow on the keyboard :
         bat.x += 4
         # The bat will move 4 pixels to the rigth.
    elif (keyboard.left):
    # If the user hits the left arrow on the keyboard :
          bat.x -= 4
          #T he bat will move 4 pixels to the rigth.

This is a video showing the operation of the code


This is a Alien Fall game to observe the operation of an image that loops up and down

lift = Actor ('lift')  # actor is the name of a class sprite (Ivana is an example of the class Homo Sapiens)
# Find an image in images folder named: lift.jpg or lift. png.

lift.topcentre = 3, 20
# Coordinates of lift position.

WIDTH = lift.width
# Screen width based exactly on the width of the lift # screen sice in pixels.

HEIGHT = 400
# Screen height is 400 pixels, bigger than lift height.

def draw():
# Fuction of the draw.
    Screen.fill((247, 110, 110))
    # rgb (red, green and blue) colour of the screen.
    # Draw the image in the screen.

def update():
# Fuction
        lift.bottom +=3
        # Move three pixels to the right continuosly.
        if lift.bottom > HEIGHT + 400:
        # If the image goes up more than the screen size, start  again from the bottom.
            lift.top = -400
            # The lift position at the top is -400 pixels.

This is a video showing the operation of the code

Car at the road

This is a Alien Fall game to observe how how an element moves on an image and gaining if it is touched on this

import pgzrun , pygame
import pgzrun

caar = Actor('caar')
#The actor of the game is an image named "carr"

caar.topright = 0, 15
#The position in coordinates of the car

WIDTH = 500
# The width of the screen is 500 pixels.

HEIGHT = caar.height - 20
# The height of the screen is the caar height minus 20 pixels

bg = pygame.image.load("./images/rooad.jpg").convert()
# The bakground og the game is the image  that is in the folder "images" with the name rooad.jpg

def draw():
    screen.blit(bg, [0,0])

def update():
    caar.left += 3
    if caar.left > WIDTH:
         caar.right = 0
         # If the image is at the left and moves more pixels than the width of the screen
         #it turnes at the right

score = 0

def on_mouse_down(pos):
# What will happen if you touch the image with the mouse
    global score
    if caar.collidepoint(pos):
        score += 6
        # If the user touch the image, added 10
        score -= 6
        #If the user doesn't touch the image, subtract 10
        print("This is the road!")


This is a video showing the operation of the code

Notre Dame burning

This is a Alien Fall game to observe how how an element moves on an image and and if you touch the image, it will change and a noise will be heard to get points

import pgzrun , pygame

notredamee = Actor('notredamee')
notredamee.topright = 0, 40
WIDTH = 500
# The width of the screen game is 500 pixels

HEIGTH = notredamee.height + 1000
# The heigth of the screen is the height of the actor plus 1000 pixels

bg = pygame.image.load("./images/skyorange.jpg").convert()
# The bakground og the game is the image  that is in the folder "images" named rooad.jpg

def draw():
# Fuction
    screen.blit(bg, [0,0])

def update():
        notredamee.left += 2
        if notredamee.left > WIDTH:
            notredamee.right = 0
        # If notredame goes 2 pixels left, notredame is bigger than the width, notredame returns at the position 0 right

score = 0
# The puntuation at the beginning

def on_mouse_down(pos):
# If the user touches above the image:
    global score
    # Is the moment in which the points are counted.
    if notredamee.collidepoint(pos):
    # If the user touches notredame:
        # A sound named water.play is heard.
        notredamee.image = 'notredame_fire'
        # The image is changed for another named 'notredame_fire'.
        score += 1
        # 1 is added to initial puntuation.
    # If the user doesn't touch the image:
        score -= 1
        # A point is subtracted from the score.
        print("put out the fire!")
        # It prints at the screen: "put out the fire!").
    # Finally it prints at the screen the final score.

This is a video showing the operation of the code

Sound of a bell

This is a Alien Fall game to observe how how an element moves on an image and play for a noise to be heard and get points

import pgzrun , pygame
bell = Actor('bell')
# The actor of the game is an image named "bell"
bell.topright = 0, 5

WIDTH = 700
# The width of the screen game is 700 pixels

HEIGHT = bell.height + 50
#The heigth of the screen is the height of the actor plus 50 pixels

bg = pygame.image.load("./images/blue sky.png").convert()
# The bakground og the game is the image  that is in the folder "images" "named blue sky.png"

def draw ():
# Fuction of the draw

    screen.blit(bg, [0,0])
    # The draw of the image is at the screen

def update():
# Fuction if the user plays

    bell.left += 2
    # If the bell goes 2 pixels to the left:

    if bell.left > WIDTH:
    # The bell at the left is more bigger than the width:

        bell.right = 9
        # The bell rurns at the right 9 pixels
score = 0
# The initial score is 0

def on_mouse_down(pos):
# Fuction if the user hovers mouse the image

    global score
    # Is the moment in which the points are counted.

    if bell.collidepoint(pos):
    # If the user touches the bell:

        # Is true that the bell is touched by the user

        score+= 1
        # The score of the user is the initial score plus 1

    # If the user does't touch the bell
        score -=  9
def set_bell_hit():
# Fuction if the user touches the bell:

    bell.image = 'bell_ramrod.png'
    # If the user touches the image, it changes to another image

    # A noise named dingg.play sounds

    clock.schedule_unique(set_bell_normal, 0.9)
    # Seconds the second image lasts

def set_bell_normal():
    bell.image = "bell"
    # The initial image returns

This is a video showing the operation of the code

Touch the dartboard

This is a Alien Fall game to touch the element when it is anywhere on the screen and get a good rating

from random import randint
WIDTH = 730
# The width of the screen game

HEIGHT = 430
# The height of the screen game

dartboard = Actor("dartboard")
# The actor of the game is an image named dartboard.

import pgzrun , pygame
bg = pygame.image.load("./images/forest.jpg").convert()
# The bakground of the game is the image  that is in the folder "images" "named forest.jpg"

def draw():
# Fuction of the draw
        screen.blit(bg, [0,0])

def shoot_dartboard():
# Fuction if the user touches the image

    dartboard.x = randint(0, 500)
    # The dartboard x is at the coordinates randint 0 and 500 (between these).
    dartboard.y = randint(0, 500)
    # The dartboard y is at the coordinates randint 0 and 500 (between these).

def on_mouse_down(pos):
# Fuction

    if dartboard.collidepoint(pos):
    # If the user touches the dartboardn:
        print("Good shot!")
       # It prints at the screen :("Good shot!")
        # The computer places the alien to another randint coordinate
    # If the user doesn't touches the image:
        print("You missed!")
        # It prints ate the screen: "You missed!")


This is a video showing the operation of the code

Union Puzzle

This is a Alien Fall game to join a mobile element to another imobil with the arrows of the keyboard and hear a noise

import pgzrun
import random
WIDTH = 600
# The width of the screen

HEIGHT = 430
# The height of the screen

puzzle1 = Actor('puzzle 1', midbottom=(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT))
# The actor corresponds to an image" named puzzle 1"

puzzle1 = Actor('puzzle 1')
# The actor of the game is named "puzzle1".

puzzle1.topright = 100, 10
# The position of the actor.

bg = pygame.image.load("./images/play class.jpg").convert()
# The bakground of the game is the image  that is in the folder "images" "named class.jpg"

def draw():
# Fuction of the draw
    screen.blit(bg, [0,0])
    # The puzzle 1 is draw at the screen (puzzle 1)

xpos = random.randint(0, 600)
# The posotion x of the actor is a random numner randint 0 and 800

def update():
# Fuction

    global xpos
    # The x position of the actor if...
    puzzle1.y += 5
    # When the alien is at the position "y", move 5 pixels down
    if keyboard.left:
    # If the user touches the arrow left of the keyboard:
        puzzle1.x -= 5
        # The puzzle1 at the position "x" moves 5 pixels left
    if keyboard.right:
    # If the user touches the arrow right of the keyboard:
        puzzle1.x += 5
        # The puzzle1 at the position "x" moves 5 pixels right.
    if puzzle1.colliderect(puzzle1):
    # If the puzzle  and puzzle1 join:
        print('Has fitted it')
        # Print at the screen:('Has fitted it')
        puzzle1.y = 0
        xpos = random.randint(0, 600)
        # Position x 
        puzzle1.x = xpos
        # The puzzle1 is in a "x" positiom
    if puzzle1.y > 600:
    # If the position "y" of the puzzle1 is bigger than 600:
        print("Fit it better and you will win")
        # Print at the screen:("Fit it better and you...")
        puzzle1. y = 0
        # The number of coordinate is located at the top of the screen
        xpos = random.randint(0, 600)
        # The x position of the puzzle1 is in a number between 0 and 600
        puzzle1.x = xpos
        # The puzzle1 is in a "x" position of the screen

def on_mouse_down(pos):
# Fuction
    global score
    # The moment to count points
    if puzzle1.collidepoint(pos):
        # The puzzle1 joins 
        score += 1
        # 1 point is added
        # It prints the puntuation
    # If the user doesn't join the puzzle:
        score -= 1
        # It removes a point

        # It prints the points 
    def set_puzzle1_hit():
    # Fuction
        puzzle1.image = 'puzzle1'
        # Appear the image "puzzle1"
        # It plays this sound
        clock.schedule_unique(set_alien_normal, 0.5)
        # Time the image remains on the screen

def set_puzzle1_normal():
# Fuction, if the image crash with the another image, the firt return to start
    puzzle1.image = "puzzle1"
    # The image with the two images (puzzle1 and puzzle1)

This is a video showing the operation of the code